Byzantine architecture - a reflection of divine beauty
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The Byzantine style of architecture is the only style that combines all the beauty of the richness of colors with rational powerful structural forms that have a high degree of functionality. The Byzantines created a magnificent art system in which deep religiosity, the desire for magnificent entertainment and, at the same time, sophisticated decorativeness are merged. This system is dominated by strict canons and norms, and the beautiful architecture of the material world is seen as a simple reflection of divine, unearthly beauty.
The apse of the mosaic of the Basilica of San Vitale is one of the most important examples of Byzantine art and architecture in Western Europe.
Photo: Michael Thurin
The erection of magnificent buildings was carried out in order to strengthen the authority of the church and the state - palaces, churches, triumphal arches, a hippodrome and other beautiful engineering structures. The Byzantine culture reached its greatest prosperity in the VI century. and this time laid the foundation of the new architecture. As a result, a new special style arises, which has clearly manifested itself in the structure of the temple.
In accordance with the new religious canons, the type of the ancient temple was revised. This time, statues of the deity were not stored here as in the ancient period, but, on the contrary, turned into a gathering place for believers to listen to the “word of God” and participate in the sacrament of communion with the deity. Therefore, the main attention here was paid to the creation of internal space. In those days, two types of churches were built - basilicas and cross-domed churches.
Unity in the use of materials was a characteristic sign of Byzantine art. Mostly, brick and mortar prevailed, from which arches, pylons, walls were made. In addition, stone was often used. To create color compositions, the natural color of stone and brick was used.
It should be noted that the builders of Byzantium were excellent designers and they successfully used and developed the achievements of science and technology of Roman architecture. The main difficulty was the transfer of loads from large domes to a square structure. With the help of arches, triangular “sails”, the entire load was transferred to powerful pylons located at the corners. An important role in Byzantine architecture began to play the emerging drum, which was a cylindrical insert between the walls and the dome. This, in turn, made it possible to preserve the monolithicity of the dome, and window openings were arranged in the walls of the drum. This dome with a drum was one of the most typical elements in the architecture of Byzantium. In the future, this system began to be borrowed by other types of architecture, interpreted differently and significantly enriched.
It is unlikely that it will be possible to implement an interior in the Byzantine style in an ordinary apartment, but it can get a little Byzantium on its site, you just have to order, for example, original design of a bath from a bar , gazebo or summer house, stock up on finances and get down to business.