How to draw a horse’s head, in stages
Automatic translate
Novice artists learn to draw spheres, cones, squares, and then move on to animals. To understand how to draw a horse’s head, bringing the image to realism, you need to adhere to the rules. To study the anatomy, determine the angle of chiaroscuro and observe the proportions of the object.
Materials and Tools
Without a minimal set of accessories, the artist cannot draw a realistic image. Sell such equipment in a specialized store. To draw the head of a horse as experienced, you need a basic list:
- eraser;
- HB, B3, and B7 pencils
- fleece;
- A4 thick paper;
- colour pencils;
- knife;
- ruler.
Draw a horse’s head as in the original. It is unlikely to manage to remember all the details and proportions. Therefore, they learn to draw an image from a photo, gradually fill their hand.
Professionals do not sharpen pencils with a sharpener. The graphite tip is too sharp. If part of the picture is not even, you will have to correct the error with the eraser. Then a thin scratch will remain on the paper. There is no way to remove it. Therefore, the rod is sharpened with a knife. Then the hatching will lie softer and faster. Drawing contours
The proportionality of the figure depends on the correctly applied contours. The artists who have gained experience draw lines at once on points, using only a ruler. Not at all experienced will have to draw a horse’s head, both auxiliary circles and dots. How to do it:
- The head of the animal is divided into 3 circles. The skull and neck are indicated by a large sphere, the nose by an elongated oval, and the extreme part of the body with nostrils is represented by a small circle.
- Now, on 3 fragments, points are formed on the formation of the head. Between the ears, jaw, edge of the nose. All marked parts are connected by lines.
- It remains to bring ears, eyes, mouth and nostrils. It is enough to put points and draw lines between them.
Do not press the pencil hard. It is difficult to correct thick contours and a defect will remain on paper. The image is drawn by lightly drawing the boundaries of the object with HB graphite. Drawing parts
To draw a horse’s head like a real one, one must carefully draw a muzzle. Auxiliary circles are erased with an eraser, lines are corrected. Ears, mouth, nose, eyes and mane are detailed in pencils B3 and B7. Therefore, you need to know how to draw a horse’s head in stages with a pencil:
- The inner surface of the ear is outlined and hatched. Draw the details of the hearing aid.
- A closed mouth is indicated by a line along the lower jaw.
- According to the anatomy, the upper edges of the nostrils are spread apart, and the lower ones are slightly brought together. In appearance, 2 oblong circles resemble the eyes of an alien alien. The internal cavity is detailed.
- The location of the eyes depends on the picture angle, full face or half profile. They draw the eyeball of the visual organ, the iris and the pupil.
- The mane is planned from the top of the head and lowered down the neck. You will have to circle the hair from the outside and draw a few lines indicating the direction of the hair.
It is not worth hatching strongly, as the image will be painted with colored pencils and mixed with dark tones will turn out dirty.
Additional items
To make the drawing more beautiful, the animal needs to draw a bridle. This thing serves to control the beast. How for beginners to draw a horse with a pencil in stages with additional elements:
- A ring is drawn at the edge of the line that represents the mouth.
- Now from the ring along the head to the ear draw a strip in the shape of the head.
- Future belts continue to be created just below the ears on the forehead and above the nostrils.
- The last bridles lead from the ear, rounding the rounded jaw, which pass through the ring and lower along the neck.
On belts where they intersect, draw square or cylindrical fastenings. To effect the surface of the product add hieroglyphs or other inscriptions.
Not straight lines are drawn on the image. They should enhance the volume of the picture, so the contours of the leash are drawn around the horse’s head.
Filling a picture with one color
The pencil palette is selected from the selected image. The horse may be brown in color with white spots. Then pick up dark, brown, white colors with dark and light shades. Those. at least 9 pencils will be involved in the work. How for beginners to draw a horse in stages with a pencil with colored graphite:
- All areas of the mount are painted brown. Hatch gently, putting the lines denser, to each other, and output the volume. You can’t just colorize your picture with straight lines. So do not achieve realism.
- For example, convex short strokes are marked on the jaw. On the neck and forehead a little straight.
- The more layers of overlapping steep lines, the more spectacular the pattern will look.
Each stroke should repeat another, if they are in a chaotic manner, then the anatomy of the picture will be violated.
Drawing of the mouth, nose, eyes and ears
Unfilled places of the horse’s head are drawn with a dark pencil, the graphite of which is sharpened with a knife under a sharp cone. How to easily and beautifully draw an animal in stages with a pencil, following the rules:
- For nostrils, ears and mouth, a pencil of dark color is selected, since these meta are located in the shade. They outline the mouth with a bold line and add small details. In the hearing aid draw hairs. In the nostrils, the respiratory canals are marked with a blacker shade.
- Eyes are painted yellow, blue. Iris give realism to small strokes. The pupil is filled with black. Eraser outlines a small circle - this is a highlight. Do as in the original picture.
- Black and white sections are created inside the objects under study, but they do not need to be highlighted much. It is enough to slightly increase or decrease the contrast.
You need to choose a not complicated portrait for redrawing. It is difficult for a beginner to cope with complex details. Better to find something easier.
Realism due to chiaroscuro
The horse’s head was left to outline glare and shadow areas. To correctly depict chiaroscuro, you need to determine the angle of light that will be directed at the animal. If the light falls on top of the right side, then do this:
- There are 2 ways to brighten places - by lightly erasing the layers applied or by applying additional strokes with light and dark tones.
- Lighten half of the head, which is closer to the artist. The second side is shaded with a pencil in a darker shade of brown.
- Along the contour of the ears put glare graphite light shades of brown.
- Various indentations and transitions of parts of the head obscure.
- Lighter glare is indicated with an eraser - these are the areas that are closer to the light source.
It remains to decorate the leash. The color of the belt is dark brown or black. Metal mounts make light.