Giftedness and talent:
reviews of Katerina Dubrovskaya and online training at the School of Interior Design
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The attention of our publication was drawn to the increasingly popular area of online learning – interior design. The presentations of these courses assure that anyone can become a professional designer, quit their unloved job and achieve impressive income. At the same time, you won’t have to spend five years studying, like at a university. We decided to start with a review of the interior design school of Katerina Dubrovskaya. We carefully studied the reviews about designer Katerina Dubrovskaya , received comments on controversial issues from the reviews from the school expert himself, and came to a result that we share with readers.
Katerina Dubrovskaya under a magnifying glass: reality or marketing
Let’s start the review with a brief introduction of Katerina Dubrovskaya herself. Katerina has been working as a practicing designer for more than 10 years. She is a lawyer by training, but she chose to do what had always attracted her. Katerina does not hide the fact that she does not have a professional design education, and she absolutely cannot draw. Naturally, we had a question: is the ability to draw really not the most important thing for a designer? We asked school representative Katerina Dubrovskaya for her opinion.
“Nowadays the entire design project can be created in special graphic programs. Modern technologies can give a person the opportunity to express himself without forcing him into a framework. Katerina Dubrovskaya always dreamed of becoming a designer, and she undoubtedly succeeded, even without artistic skills.”
School teacher
Katerina Dubrovskaya’s projects are in demand, published in magazines, receive flattering reviews and win international competitions. At some point, Katerina, working as a designer, realized that there were more and more orders, and she could no longer cope with the flow. Then the desire to open my own school appeared.
As far as we know, some of the school’s curators are Katerina’s students, whom she herself taught what she knows. We learned from a school representative what principle Katerina Dubrovskaya uses to recruit her team from a huge stream of students.
“When the number of people wanting to study with Katerina began to increase, positive reviews and the results of her work spread in the online space, she realized that she could not cope with checking homework and diplomas. So that the quality of education at Dubrovskaya’s school would not be undermined, Katerina began to offer her best students, hardworking and energetic, passionate about design, like herself, to become curators.”
School teacher
Katerina Dubrovskaya invites students to learn interior design from scratch to the level of a confident, well-paid specialist. The duration of training ranges from 4 to 18 months. Agree that it sounds tempting. Studying takes place online, all lessons are recorded. Each student chooses a convenient time and number of classes completed at a time.
Katerina Dubrovskaya and her team offer one paid course, but with three tariffs: Standard, Master and VIP. The school’s website describes in detail everything that is included in the package and reviews of the tariffs.
In addition to paid training, Katerina regularly conducts free webinars and master classes, shares useful information on her social media pages, shows the process of her own work as a designer, and highlights what materials and designs are in fashion. Dubrovskaya holds real meetings with graduates and curators, shares feedback and successes of graduates.
Student voices: real opinions and reviews of Katerina Dubrovskaya’s courses
Let’s move on to the important part of the review - these are the responses of graduates and students of the Katerina Dubrovskaya School of Interior Design. We only took assessments of the school’s activities with reviews. Ratings without explanation were not used. If there is one star, but there is no reason for a negative opinion, then it is impossible to understand why the person gave a low rating. Likewise with the maximum number of stars without writing a full review.
Here are some examples of positive reviews. First we will show it clearly, and then we will combine it into general theses.

After analyzing the reviews, we came to the following conclusion about the positive side of studying at the Katerina Dubrovskaya School of Interior Design:
- All training is structured and starts from the very basics.
- Even at free marathons, judging by the reviews, people learn a lot of competent and valuable information.
- Homework checks by the Dubrovskaya school curators are thorough and scrupulous. Works are sent for revision, supplemented with detailed comments until the result is perfect.
- Before receiving a diploma, students complete a thesis.
- The curators and Katerina Dubrovskaya herself are patient and attentive to their students. We have read many grateful reviews about this.
- After purchasing the course, access to a general chat opens, where you meet like-minded people, discuss the progress of your training, and clarify unclear points. Students share results, feedback and experiences.
- Some students report in their reviews that they find paid orders before they have fully completed the course.
- 275 hours of practice.
- Bonuses, additional lessons, checklists.
From negative reviews:
- A state diploma is not issued after completing the course at the Standard tariff.
- Quite a high price for the VIP tariff.
- There may be a payment failure if the applicant who wishes to purchase the course lives abroad.
Technical support works around the clock, and therefore any technical issue is resolved as quickly as possible, but there are exceptions. However, we did not find any reviews that the outcome was unfavorable.
But the conditions for obtaining a diploma based on the results of training interested us. We asked the representative of the School of Interior Design, Katerina Dubrovskaya, why a diploma is not issued at the standard rate.
“The Standard tariff does not provide for the accompaniment of a curator. The student completes the training course independently, without checking homework. They help him if technical questions arise. The student can also ask for help in the Dubrovskaya school chat. There, by the way, as you may have noted from the reviews, many find both help and inspiration.
A thesis is not available at this rate. The Standard tariff, as a rule, is chosen by those students who want to gain knowledge about interior design for themselves, for example, in order to make a competent design project for their own home, without involving third-party designers. Such students do not set the goal of their education to make design their profession. Accordingly, they don’t yet need a diploma.”
School teacher
We analyze reviews: what is true and what is exaggeration about the Katerina Dubrovskaya design school
There are many laudatory reviews of the Katerina Dubrovskaya School of Interior Design, including video reviews. There are short and restrained responses, and there are real stories about how training turned a person’s life upside down:
- I left a job I didn’t like, started earning good money and completely changed my worldview. A frequent review that sounds like a fairy tale, but it should be noted that designers actually earn good money. We looked through job advertisements and found a lot of evidence for this statement.
- Some students in their reviews claim that they received their first paid orders after only a month of studying at Katerina Dubrovskaya’s school. But how is this real? After all, this is only the beginning of the educational process, and would the client really want to cooperate with a newcomer? We found confirmation of the reviews here too.
Katerina’s course is built smoothly and is divided into blocks. After each block, the student can already complete small orders based on the material covered. Not all customers need a turnkey design project; some only need the beginning of the work, and then they can handle it themselves. Of course, such orders cost much less, but they are still paid. And the opportunity to earn money while still a student undoubtedly motivates and energizes.
- The cost of Katerina Dubrovskaya’s course is overpriced. It is difficult to judge objectively here, since everyone has their own income and capabilities, which cannot be assessed based on reviews. But we learned that there is an interest-free installment plan for purchasing courses. According to Katerina, the costs are recouped even before receiving a diploma.
- To work as a designer, you need to master and use computer programs. Therefore, it is worth considering that for studying and further work you will need at least a laptop. The required programs are included in the course at all rates and remain with the student forever. The programs are provided free of charge, and technical support is responsible for their correct installation and operation without interruptions.
- We also saw doubts about the thesis in the reviews. It includes a complete turnkey design project - from the very beginning of design to the finished visual project. Where to get and look for a project for your diploma? We also found the answer and feedback from graduates on the website of Katerina Dubrovskaya’s school itself. The curator helps you find a project. Either an existing version of the apartment of the student himself, friends, or relatives is taken. Some manage to get a paid order in advertisements, for example on Avito.
A detailed analysis of reviews about Katerina Dubrovskaya’s school: the pros and cons of the educational process
Now we will understand why the terms for obtaining an education at the Dubrovskaya school are floating - from 4 to 18 months. And we will study the 5 blocks of training in more detail. This will help you understand the effectiveness of Katerina Dubrovskaya’s teaching methods and form your own attitude towards her approach.
Advantages of training in reviews
In the feedback on the achievement of the result and the timing, the opinions of the students were divided. Some confidently claim that they were able to quickly understand the essence of the profession using Katerina Dubrovskaya’s method, while others encountered difficulties and regular alterations of home knowledge. It’s hard to disagree that everyone has a different approach to studying and absorbs knowledge differently. In any case, based on the reviews studied, it can be argued that the students received support from curators and teachers and were able to successfully complete their studies at Katerina Dubrovskaya’s school.
Here lies the answer why training lasts from 4 to 18 months. It all depends on the free time that the student is willing to devote to learning a new profession. All lessons are recorded, which means access to them is always open. If one student studies every day for 4 hours, and another can only pay attention for 1-2 hours and not every day, then their speed on the path to a diploma is completely different.
We believe that a program divided into blocks is definitely a plus. Students are taught according to Katerina Dubrovskaya’s method in stages, step by step. After each block of knowledge there is a final lesson, where the final work on this block is submitted. So both the curator and the student see the result, process errors and only then move on to the next stage. In the thesis, students consolidate their experience by returning to the beginning and go through all the steps again, creating the required finished design for the entire project.
And we wondered if there were any students who were never able to defend their diploma and gave up at the finish line? Let’s ask the school representative about this.
“There were isolated cases due to personal circumstances. But we always individually consider issues of extending the period of education at school. It happened that students were tired and burned out, but we always provide friendly support, help and encourage, try to inspire with ideas and motivate them to achieve a positive final result.”
School teacher
Disadvantages of training in reviews
We studied the negative reviews about the Katerina Dubrovskaya School of Interior Design. By the way, we were able to find even unreliable ones; they were not taken into account.
We have already written about some controversial issues. The speed of learning does not depend on the school itself; the student himself assesses his capabilities. The choice of tariff also cannot be imposed by the school; everyone’s financial capabilities are individual. The meticulousness of the curators of the Dubrovskaya school is still a plus, because the better the quality of homework checks, the greater the likelihood of breaking into the profession with the necessary and confident skills.
There were also reviews that the lessons seemed drawn out. But since such reviews are rare, we can conclude that most students are interested in listening to the teacher, even if he got carried away and moved a little away from the topic.
Summarizing reviews: drawing conclusions about the benefits of the education received
Having analyzed the reviews, studied the pros and cons, it is time to summarize the information received about what the Katerina Dubrovskaya School of Interior Design gives students:
- Anyone, regardless of age and initial knowledge, can learn interior design at the Dubrovskaya school.
- No experience or drawing skills required. Let us remind you that Katerina Dubrovskaya herself does not hide the fact that she does not know how to draw.
- The profession of a designer is creative and exciting.
- Education at Katerina Dubrovskaya’s school takes place online without reference to place and time.
- A close-knit team and new acquaintances in general student chats.
- In these same chats, students share their experiences, help come up with ideas, and receive inspiration.
- The resulting profession is well paid, and there is a choice whether to take turnkey orders or carry out small projects.
- Students of the Dubrovskaya school are not abandoned immediately after completing their studies, but are helped to find paid orders. This is stated in the contract, which is concluded before the start of studies.
- The graduate has the opportunity to work both for hire and for himself.
- Working as a designer is possible from home.
- Even if in the end the student realizes that his calling is not in design, the education and experience gained are always applicable for personal purposes. For example, you can completely think through the renovation of your own home.
Learning to design is not about passing lessons, but a full-fledged education that requires time and energy. A lot of information, details, studying computer programs. It is difficult to achieve results on your own, but accompanied by experienced teachers, the process will be complete. Whether Katerina Dubrovskaya’s school is suitable for education is up to you to decide. We provided a review and thoroughly analyzed the reviews we found so that you can form your own opinion.
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