Expert and examination, Victor A. Spengler
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Interview with Viktor A. Spengler, Director of the I.E. Repin. "Center for Art Expertise. I.E. Repina ”provides services for preliminary visual assessment and examination of the authenticity of works of art.
Viktor Alexandrovich, how do you assess the situation in the antique market today?
- Today, the antique market is as if waiting. Exchange rate hikes, of course, affect the situation. But I think in the near future the art market will recover.
In your opinion, what is the main difference between the antiques market in Russia and Europe? And is there any difference?
- Unlike Europe, the Russian antique market is very young and only in the last few years has begun to really form. Examination, as an integral part of the art market, has passed its difficult path of development and has today twenty-five years of experience, and, accordingly, professional experience.
What are the positive and negative trends of the antique market today you can note?
- Despite the fact that the situation in the antique market, as I said above, took a rather expectant position, in this regard, the demand for medium-sized works of art has fallen sharply. However, regardless of the state of the art market, significant works of art will always be in demand.
What is in great demand today?
- The greatest demand for today are significant works of art. Art dealers are in search of masterpieces.
Recently, another Antique Salon was held at the Central House of Artists. Are there any serious changes in the composition of the salon participants and what role does it play today?
- The number of participants this year (at 38 Antique Salons) has decreased by 20-25%, and instability in the economy is affecting. But many do not lose hope, of course, the Antique Salon combines, makes it possible to communicate. This is already a kind of celebration for collectors and art dealers.
At the time of the creation of the examination named after I.E. Repin already in Moscow there were several expert centers (Art Consulting, GosNIIR, Nine, Grabar Center, etc.), what became decisive for you in making such a decision?
- For more than twenty years, I was an art dealer and, accordingly, was a client of expert organizations. Using this experience, I hope to create a center of expertise that will be trusted.
Are there real discoveries during the examination?
- The examination of fiction in itself is an interesting study that does not exclude scientific discoveries as well.
How does the work of your center begin with the owner of the picture who wants to make an examination?
- First, we conduct a preliminary consultation to understand whether it is worth conducting a study of a particular subject. It often happens that an examination will cost more than the work itself. If the item has passed the preliminary inspection, then we conclude a contract with the client and conduct an examination.
What can be advised to a client who wants to buy a certain job, but there is no expert opinion on it?
- Of course, it is worthwhile to conduct an examination before buying a certain job in order to avoid various misunderstandings.
Which examination provides more complete information about the work?
- An examination in which all the necessary research methods are offered, proposed to you at the center of expertise. This is a whole range of studies, including art history analysis, technical and technological and chemical research.
What determines the cost of the examination, what affects the cost of the examination?
- The cost of the examination depends on the number of studies performed and the significance of the work being studied. If the work has significant artistic value, then the responsibility of the expert increases, which affects the cost of the examination.
What, in your opinion, is the main problem of experts, the expert community today?
- The main task of the expert is not to make mistakes. The accumulated experience of Russian experts today, as well as modern high technologies used in research, almost completely eliminate the possibility of error.
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