Vyacheslav Korolenkov, interview at the Central House of Artists
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On Sunday, December 28, the opening of the exhibition “Happy Day” in Moscow, in which the new works by Moscow impressionists Vyacheslav Korolenkov, Alexander Bobrov and Julia Andreeva, are presented in Moscow at the Central House of Artists. Before the exhibition opened, I met with Vyacheslav Korolenkov at the Central House of Artists at his paintings and asked him several questions.
- Here ends the year of culture announced by the president. Can you summarize the outgoing year?
- It sounds kind of weird. These two concepts do not fit into my brain: the president and culture. In civilized countries, the leaders of these countries are developing special programs to support artists. The authorities select workshops from us or rent quadruples. This suggests that the artist as a carrier of culture in our country does not interest anyone. Cutting off grandmas from him is normal. But to support him is not. What for? Let him temper himself.
In September, I went to Latvia. I was invited to the open air, which the organizers have held for the thirty-fourth time. He was in the small town of Kraslava. So, I have never met such an attitude towards artists. Free of charge placed in the hotel, fed, in the end of the open air there was an exhibition of participants on the town square. It was a real celebration with singers and dancers. There were a lot of people. I saw that people really love the city in which they live. They are waiting for this open air, rejoice in the success of artists, who are invited annually in September by the local administration. The mayor said that he will continue to support this tradition. Nicely.
Culture, in my opinion, is the main core of the state. This is the foundation on which this building is built. Gas, oil, economics are secondary. Well, did you come home after your oil-gas-selling work, so what? Even if only numbers rotate in the brains, the soul asks for comfort, joy. This is where the culture comes to the rescue, for which, by and large, we exist. This is our life-giving food. Without it, we turn into mechanisms that eat each other. Actually, this is already happening.
It will be hot in the afternoon
Twice this year I visited Montenegro. The first time with a group of my students, I often conduct master classes in landscape painting. Amazing places. At the exhibition, which is now taking place at the Central House of Artists, I show a lot of work from these trips. The second time I stopped in the town of Sveti Stefan near Budva. Every day the sun, the wonderful sea and painting. What could be better? Traveled all over the country. She’s not big. It’s good there.
In the autumn, an exhibition of the “workshop of free creativity”, which I am conducting, was held in the Moscow gallery on Novinsky. It was a wonderful event, because for many of my students it was the first exhibition in my life. They were worried. There were a lot of people. I felt great joy in my heart for my guys. Before my eyes, the birth of new talents takes place. I see the fire in their eyes. This is perhaps the most important thing. This fire, this energy of creativity itself will show the way for growth, for the perfection of mastery.
Well, perhaps the main result of this year for me is that my works were noticed by foreign collectors and many of them moved to a new place of residence. This moment is important for any artist. There is an energy of a different quality, on the wave of which you can swim further, develop, strive to write even better.
- Vyacheslav, in August of this year you became the winner of the contest that Galleriks held in conjunction with the Platform club. I would like to receive your assessment and ask you to answer the question, what does history prepare for us? How will fine art develop?
- Progressively. There can be no other. Art always reflects what society is living now and at the same time it is saturated with the past. The artist always relies on what was created before him. He incorporates all the best and tries to go beyond the known. And this is a road that has no end. Even if he managed to advance far, he still steps along a road on which there is no final settlement. It is wonderful! Just a move.
There is no definite answer to this question. All different. For one, a chair wrapped in ropes can be a subject of high modern art and he is ready to pay more than one thousand dollars for it. Another in the paintings of Feshin will not see anything but dirt. Art will develop in full accordance with the development of people’s awareness. The more kilograms of awareness there will be, the finer and more surprising will be the creations of art masters and the fewer will be the characters-bosses who look at a hundred-ruble note through a magnifying glass or look out through Apollo’s genitals with binoculars in a sculptural composition on the roof of the Bolshoi Theater.
Real art has always been and will be. And it is elitist. A very small number of people can appreciate it. On the surface of the foam. In the depths - a real taste. Often, artists known to most people among the artists themselves do not enjoy any respect. But they are in plain sight, by ear, everywhere flash, everyone knows them. The yellow press creates PR for them, and rich people pay well. True masters are not torn to pedestals, they are truly passionate about their work and they hate to exalt themselves. Gloss and thrones are not for them. They are loved and appreciated in art circles. They form a small circle around themselves. It is always not very visible to the majority or not at all noticeable, but it is. After all, diamonds do not roll under your feet. In order to find them, you need to work hard. Must see. And for this, first there must be a thirst to see. If it is not, then it is impossible to become a true connoisseur of art.
The development of art is a complex topic. It’s easier for me to talk about myself. It is closer geographically. Here I am in front of you stained with paint. Each new work that is removed from the easel is my search for something new, this is my development. A new step may be unsuccessful, but I like to move. Standing still and repeating spectacular tricks found is not for me. Moving and being new to myself all the time is mine, it is an invisible engine that works even in a dream.
- What did you decide to show this time? What stages of your work will you demonstrate to art lovers?
- The main work of the Mermaid. A huge number of preparatory drawings, studies, searches. She lives in me for twenty years. The first option I showed at the Central House of Artists in 1994. It was acquired by a collector from Japan. This work has a long story connected with my loves, divorces, my sufferings, thoughts about a man and a woman, about passion.
I show four more female images at this exhibition. One of them is carnival - “Bird Girl” and three works with nude models.
Landscapes this time from Latvia, Montenegro, from our middle zone of Russia. The great work "Massandra", written in Gurzuf. All works are written from nature, all carry the energy of those places where I visited this year.
You are the smile of the morning awakening the sleeping
- What are your plans for next year?
- That year I was not in the Crimea. I miss you. For the artist - heavenly places. If the stars add up, I’ll go to Gurzuf in the spring. This is the best place not yet touched by modern architectural design. It’s very good there. Korovin, Chekhov knew a lot about choosing a place for their summer cottages.
In March, in the Moscow gallery on Novinsky there will be an exhibition of my “workshop”, I will show new works and the work of my students. Then I want to go to Konya for an international plein air, where I have been invited for a long time, but I still won’t get out. Hope to explore new places in Slovenia. My friend settled there. Judging by the photos, it’s magical. Mountains, small town, mountain river. And the sea is not far. Well, exhibitions, exhibitions in the Central House of Artists and other places. I will post information on Facebook. Come on the light!
The exhibition at the Central House of Artists runs until January 11, 2015.
Sergey Fateev © Gallerix.ru
- Sergey Fateev: "Novinsky sit-round gathering" in the gallery "On Novinsky"
- The exhibition "Workshop of free creativity under the leadership of Vyacheslav Korolenkov" in the "Art Gallery on Novinsky"
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- Julia Andreeva. CHA. Exhibition "Happy Day"
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