Exchange your composition for Vkontakte voices
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If there is a link to this page on the picture page, it means that now we have votes and the action regarding this picture works. If there is no link, no one forbids you to share your creation just like that. To do good to future generations is one of the main goals of our life! =) Remember, miser will never achieve anything in this life. After all, your work has already been written - share it with the world and the world will answer you with the same coin! Or voices. =)
Promotion conditions:
- We are ready to change our Vkontakte voices to your composition in the picture , if there is a banner of the action on its page on this site with a link here and it is not written in big red letters that the action is suspended.
- The composition can be written in Russian, Ukrainian or English.
- You will receive votes for your composition, depending on the number of compositions already posted in the comments on the picture page and the quality of the proposed text . The exchange rate is different every day. Today’s is below on this page.
- The transfer of votes is carried out by transferring inside the social network Vkontakte to your account.
- Only unique compositions without grammatical errors are accepted for exchange! Unique means written by you personally (or by your mother or, at worst, stolen from a neighbor or sister). The essay should be checked for literacy and never previously posted anywhere else on the Internet. Uniqueness verification is carried out through a third-party service (description below).
- The composition should not only be literate, but also, in terms of content, not be complete nonsense . System moderators will evaluate the quality and relevance of the text subjectively.
- The word "Composition" means its text typed on a computer . The photo or scan of your notebook for voice exchange is not suitable.
- Filling out the form on this page is allowed no later than 10 minutes after the publication of the commentary with the essay.
How to get votes:
- Prepare the text of your essay and check it for errors and typos here: Valid warnings may relate to surnames and geographical names. There should be no other mistakes in words.
- Check your composition for uniqueness. If it is fully or partially copied from texts taken on the Internet, this test will most likely fail. Here after checking the text you will get its result in the form “Uniqueness - 0.00%”. The higher the percentage, the better your text (assuming there are no errors). "0.00%" means that the composition is completely taken from another site.
- If the text is written without errors and has a uniqueness of 50% and higher, feel free to post it on this site, in a comment on the page of the picture on which it is written. When this comment appears on the page, on the upper right of it you will see its number - this is the “Exact link” to the comment.. It looks something like this: Copy it and immediately click on the same page to the link "Exchange your school essay on this picture for the voices of VKontakte", leading here.
- You will need a link to your Vkontakte profile. Just log in, click on the very first item “My Page” on the left in the menu and copy its address from the address bar of the browser, starting with http: // /…
- After that, it remains only to note your participation through the form a little lower. The moderator will check the essay for errors and uniqueness and throw you a couple of voices for a good mood.
Today’s essay-to-voice exchange rate:
On the page of the picture above your work no more than 3 other works *.
Yandex speller does not find errors.
Uniqueness of 90% and above.
голосов. You get 5 votes.
On the page of the picture above your work no more than 5 other works.
Yandex speller does not find errors.
Uniqueness of 80% and above.
голоса. You get 4 votes.
On the picture page above your essay, there are more than 5 other essays.
Yandex speller does not find errors.
Uniqueness is not lower than 50%.
голос. You get 1 vote.
* Do not forget to click the "Show only long" button if it is above the comments! She will show you all the essays that are already on this page.
If within 3 days after sending the essay to your account did not receive a few votes, then somewhere you made a mistake in the calculations. To clarify the reasons for the discrepancy between your expectations and reality - use the link received when adding an application for verification of the essay.
And this appeal is allowed to be read only by our most enterprising brothers:
Dear sly friend! =) Do not try to feed us compositions that you did not post. Firstly, we know perfectly well what you posted and what not. Secondly, the time for posting a comment cannot differ by more than 10 minutes from sending the form on this page. Thirdly, all texts are manually checked - you can pick up a coin here only under the conditions described above. =)
Mini FAQ
I am 68 years old and I have my grandfather’s old school works on famous paintings. Can I exchange them for voices?
Gennady Lvovich
We don’t care when and by whom of your relatives these beautiful works were written. What matters is only their quality, the presence of these texts on the network and the presence of these pictures on our website. If there is an essay on the picture, but the picture itself does not seem to be on the site - write in the comments here or on the forum. We will help you find out if we post a picture.
I wrote an essay and got a rating of 2 for it, I want to exchange it for voices.
If the essay is able to get a grade of 3 (for the content) and higher in your school - there will be no problems with the content here. In other cases, the issue will be decided by a strict moderator who will get your comment for verification. In any case, no one needs compositions with errors; the errors will have to be corrected.
Filled out the form, everything went well, but nothing happens. Explain what the problem is?
To check the status of processing an application, you need to use the verification link that the site issued after clicking on the "Send for Review" button. No other way. If the link has not been saved, you will have to contact our technical support.
COMMENTS: 4 Ответы
Кто-то восхищается щедрой осенью, кому-то нравится веселая снежная зима, кому-то по душе весенние капели и подснежники, а я люблю лето! Летом у нас самые длинные каникулы. Ты свободен от уроков и домашних заданий, впереди — три месяца самого лучшего времени года! Какие яркие краски у лета! Буйная зелень деревьев волнами ходит под порывами теплого ветра. Солнечные зайчики желтыми пятнами скачут во дворах, квартирах, по стенам домов. Ярко-синее небо с белыми облаками кажется таким высоким, когда лежишь на спине в траве, среди разноцветных цветов! Малина, абрикосы, сливы — красное, оранжевое, фиолетовое так и просится в рот! Вот моё сочинение!!!
Оля, прекрасно, но его нужно написать на странице картины по которой оно написано
Картина “Сосны, освещенные солнцем” была написана И. И. Шишкиным в 1886 году. В этот период художник особенно много работал над этюдами, пытаясь найти решения для самых разнообразных задач, которые ставила перед ним живопись. Некоторые крупные этюды художника явно переросли рамки учебной работы, и воспринимаются сегодня нами как вполне завершенные пейзажные работы, хорошо продуманные по своей композиции. К таким произведениям относится картина “Сосны, освещенные солнцем”. В произведении “Сосны, освещенные солнцем” на первое место Шишкин поставил попытку создания общей атмосферы пейзажа. Результат оказался прекрасным – картина подкупает зрителя очень необычным и свежим цветовым решением, убедительностью и задушевностью.
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