Competition Regulation
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1. General Provisions.
These Regulations establish goals, principles, determine the organization and conduct of the Competition site.
2. Objectives of the Competition.
2.1. Creating favorable conditions for the development of creative teams and individual authors in the field of fine art.
2.2. Increasing interest in creative activities in the field of fine arts.
3. Objectives of the Competition.
3.1. The development of the ability to observe, analyze, artistically and poetically see real life, to be able to express its content by means of art.
3.2. Improving professional skills and qualifications of participants.
3.3. Identification of the best and original personalities (participants).
3.4. Identification and support of professionally and creatively working teachers - artists.
3.5. Creating albums of artworks by participants..
4. The organizer of the competition.
4.1. The organizer of the Competition is the project
4.2. The organizer provides:
- informing about the competition;
- collection of applications and other materials submitted to the Competition by its participants;
- viewing and evaluation by the jury of the works of the Contest participants;
- Awarding of the winners of the Competition and their teachers.
5. Competitors.
5.1. The competition involves creative collectives of cultural institutions, preschool and general educational institutions, institutions of additional education of any form of subordination, secondary and higher educational institutions, youth houses, teenage centers, creative associations, as well as independent authors.
5.2. League:
- Amateur - members of amateur art groups, students of children’s art schools, art schools and educational institutions, independent authors who do not have professional training in the field of fine art.
- Secondary - pupils and students of secondary and higher vocational educational institutions of an artistic orientation, teachers, independent authors with professional training in the field of fine art.
- Higher - professional masters, fine arts teachers, recognized authors with a history of solo exhibitions, etc.
5.3. Age groups:
- up to 6 years
- 7-9 years old
- 10-14 years old
- 15-18 years old
- 19 years and older.
6. Nominations of the Competition.
6.1. Painting.
- Portrait
- Still life
- Scenery
- Conversation piece
- Historical picture
- Computer painting
- Abstract composition
- Avant-garde painting
- Animal genre
- Fantasy
6.2. Graphic arts.
- Poster
- Academic drawing
- Portrait
- Still life
- Scenery
- Engraving
- Book graphics
- Fantasy
6.3. The photo.
- Documentary photography
- Interior photography
- Portrait (faces)
- Architectural photography
- Urban space
- Scenery
- Still life
- Street photography
- Philosophical style
6.4. Arts and crafts.
- Painting
- Embroidery
- Textiles (batik, lace, prints, etc.)
- Dolls
- Thread
- Burning out
- Ceramics
- Wallow
- Dressing
- Paper plastic
6.5. Sculpture.
- Thematic sculptural composition
- Easel sculpture (head, bust, figure, sculpture group: man, animals, plants)
- Fairytale and fantasy sculptural forms
- Relief sculpture (reliefs, bas-reliefs)
- Installation
- Abstraction
6.6. Participation in the Competition is voluntary.
7. The procedure for organizing and conducting the Competition.
7.1. Participants or Teachers (hereinafter referred to as Users) are registered on the website and submit an application for participation in the Competition;
7.2. Users upload work to the site server. JPEG format. File size must not exceed 7 MB. Image size of at least 2000 pixels on the larger side. The file name must consist of Latin letters and numbers, without special characters and punctuation marks.
7.3. The results are summarized after the completion of the acceptance of work and posted on the site
The jury determines the winners in the categories “Pro” and “Amateur” according to the following gradation:
- Laureate (1, 2, 3 degrees).
- Diploma holder (1, 2, 3 degrees).
The absolute winner receives the Grand Prix of the Competition for the best work (by decision of the jury).
Winners’ diplomas will be published on
Teachers of laureates and diploma winners will receive electronic letters of thanks for preparing the winners of the Competition.
All other competitors will receive diplomas of participants.
Teachers (educators of participants) who submitted the work of students (students, pupils) will be issued a certificate of the curator of the Competition Participant in electronic form.
Diplomas (winners and participants), letters of appreciation and certificates will be sent by e-mail specified in the application, and they can also be downloaded electronically in the User’s Personal Account after summing up the Competition.
7.4. Criteria for the evaluation of entries:
- relevance of artwork to a given topic of the Competition;
- degree of possession of the selected technique;
- originality of the creative solution and the level of work performance;
- the content of the work performed (a special semantic load reflecting the author’s attitude to what he depicts);
- image features: complexity in the transfer of forms, perspectivity, diversity, expressiveness, recognizability of objects and images, stylistic individuality;
- compositional solution: good fillability of the sheet, rhythmicity in the image of objects, a variety of sizes of painted objects;
- plastic: expressiveness in the transmission of movements and facial expressions;
- coloring: color correlation and expressiveness of the color scheme;
- the complexity of the product or artwork.
8. The jury of the Competition.
8.1. For the purpose of expert evaluation of competitive works, a jury is formed, which includes experts competent in matters related to the content of the Competition and aware of the specifics of the competitive nominations and the procedure for evaluating competitive works.
The composition of the jury can be found on the website:
8.2. Each member of the Jury individually evaluates the entries and is responsible for the objectivity and impartiality of the evaluation.
8.3. The jury has the right not to explain the results of the evaluation to specific participants of the Competition.
9. Copyright.
9.1. Entries are accepted for the competition only with the consent of their authors, and only in electronic form.
9.2. In the case of claims or complaints about copyright infringement by a third party or organization, an artwork or work is removed from further participation in the competition and the person who submitted the material bears all responsibility for the claim.
10. Terms of participation in the Competition.
10.1. The competition is funded by the organizational fees of the Participants. The amount of the organizational contribution for the participation of one work is 100 rubles. The registration fee for participation in the Contest is paid from the account in your account on the site
10.2. Each of the contestants can submit any number of works.
10.3. Work must be carried out by the participants on their own (original design and execution). If there are clear signs of adult participation in the creative work of children, the jury has the right not to evaluate this work.
10.4. It is unacceptable to copy images from any electronic and paper media (books, magazines, etc.), use images, portions of images of works of other authors, use images of heroes created by other artists, if this is not the terms of the Competition. In case of establishing the fact of these violations, the jury has the right to remove the work from the competitive viewing.
10.5. Entries containing elements of violence, racial and national intolerance are not accepted for the Competition; fragments insulting the honor, dignity, religious principles and moral feelings of people.
10.6. By participating in the Competition, the author of the work and his legal representative / guardian expresses his agreement with the Regulations of the Competition.
This Regulation on the Competition applies to all competitions held by